Synapse Pain & Spine Clinic

Heal and Ankle Pain

Heal and Ankle Pain

Heal and Ankle Pain Treatment in Chennai

Heal and Ankle Pain

  • Almost everyone experiences pain in and around their feet or ankles at some point in time.
  • This region of your body is rigid and complex.
  • Soft tissue injuries, like sprains and strains, typically cause foot or ankle pain that is short-lived. In most cases, the pain will gradually subside with self-care measures. 
  • In some cases, pain may be unrelated to any underlying cause or may not be relieved through self-care.
  • Chronic problems may develop if you ignore and do not treat heel pain. Surgery for heel pain is rare.

Heel pain symptoms: what are they?

Each kind of heel pain has its own set of symptoms. Pain may be accompanied by:

  • Heel bone growth.
  • Redness or bruising (discolouration).
  • The feeling of stiffness.
  • Swelling.
  • Tenderness.
  • A painful sensation when one stands from a sitting or resting position.

Where does heel pain occur?

There may be tenderness, pain, or soreness in the heel. These three regions are typically affected by heel pain.

  • Behind the heel.
  • Beneath the heel.
  • Within the heel bone itself.

Are there any risk factors for developing heel pain?

Any activity that places a lot of pressure or strain on your foot may cause heel pain. Additionally, your walking style and foot shape play an important role.

Heel pain is more likely to occur if you:

  • Obese
  • Take part in sports or exercise that requires running or jumping a lot.
  • Standing on concrete floors is a common cause.
  • Don’t wear shoes that fit improperly and don’t provide arch support.

The Common Causes of Long Term Ankle and Heel Pain

There is a possibility that structural changes in the foot or ankle could be causing pain that is not improving or lingers for more than a few months.

A foot or ankle pain can have multiple causes, including:

  • Footwear that fits poorly 
  • Inflammation of the joints
  • Connective tissue disorders
  • Having poor blood flow
  • Damage to the nerves.

What Conditions Cause heel pain?

There are two main types of heel pain:

  • pain beneath the heel
  • pain behind the heel.

What Conditions cause Pain behind the heel?

Achilles tendinitis: 

Connecting the calf muscle to the heel bone is a fibrous tissue called the Achilles tendon. One of the strongest and longest tendons in the body. An inflammation causes Achilles tendinitis in the Achilles tendon due to overuse of the foot. Most people with this condition are under 35 years of age, and it is most common among runners.

Achilles tendonitis causes the following symptoms 

  • Walking or running can cause heel pain and pain along the length of the tendon. 
  • You may feel pain when touching or moving the tendon. 
  • The area may become swollen, and you may have trouble standing up on one toe.

The likelihood of developing Achilles tendonitis increases when:

  • Increasing activity in a sudden manner
  • Running on a hard surface
  • Running excessively
  • Jumping excessively 
  • Inappropriate footwear

Retrocalcaneal Bursitis:

Retrocalcaneal bursitis is caused by fluid-filled sacs called bursae that act as lubricants. Joints are cushioned by these sacs, allowing for fluid movement. This condition affects the back of the ankle by the heel and is called retrocalcaneal bursitis. Your heel may feel tender and bruise-like. 

Retrocalcaneal bursitis causes 

  • When you repeatedly use your ankle, you can get bruised and inflamed
  • People who spend long periods standing tend to suffer from bursitis. 

What Conditions Cause Pain Under the Heel?

The following problems can cause pain under the heel:

Bone bruises (contusions): 

The fat padding beneath the heel can be bruised by stepping on a sharp, hard object. If you walk, your heel may feel tender even if there is no discolouration. 

Plantar fasciitis:

Pain and stiffness in the heel are caused mainly by plantar fasciitis. Heel pain occurs when the connective tissue between the heel bone and the toes stretches or tears. Morning pain is usually the most severe. 

Plantar fasciitis is commonly caused by 

  • People who spend a lot of time running and jumping. For example, Runners
  • Stand on concrete for long periods
  • Running on treadmills and working on hard surfaces (such as concrete) irritates.
  • An increase in Body weights
  • Unsuitable footwear

Heel spurs: 

A heel spur occurs when plantar fasciitis remains untreated for a very long time and bony growth forms on the heel bone. Although some people suffer from pain from heel spurs, they are not usually painful.

Note – If you have heel pain, you must have your heel evaluated by a physician to determine the exact cause so that you can start the treatment.

Ankle pain is caused by what conditions?

Ankle Sprains: 

A sprained ankle occurs when ligaments encircling and connecting the legs to the feet are injured. When you turn or awkwardly twist your ankle, you typically injure it. Your ankle bones and joints may be stretched or torn by this. 

What can you do to prevent heel pain?

There are a few easy things you can do to avoid injury to the heel and prevent pain:

  • Make sure that the shoes you wear fit correctly and provide support for your feet.
  • Exercise should be preceded by stretching.
  • Diet should be healthy.
  • Your muscles will ache if you don’t rest when you’re tired.
  • Keep your weight in check.

What is the best time to call your doctor?

You can ease the pain of heel pain by first trying some home remedies, along with rest. Make an appointment with your doctor if your heel pain does not disappear within two or three weeks.

Whenever you experience the following symptoms, contact your doctor right away:

  • You are in severe pain.
  • There is a sudden onset of pain.
  • Redness is present on your heel.
  • The heel of your foot is swollen.
  • Your heel hurts so much you can’t walk.

What is the Diagnosis of a Heel Pain –

  • A doctor will examine you and take a brief medical history.
  • If you suffer from heel pain, your doctor may refer you for Imaging Tests such as an X-ray. 
  • Your doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment after the physical examination, medical history intake, and tests are completed.
  • Physical therapy and medications can help you manage your pain in many cases. The doctor can also prescribe anti-inflammatory medicines if the pain is severe.
  • Depending on your condition, your physician may recommend some Special Footwear to support your ankle.
  • Only in sporadic cases will surgery be recommended.

Heel & Ankle Pain Treatment –

In most cases, home treatments can relieve foot and ankle pain.

Home Treatments –

  • Pain-relieving gel and paracetamol, both available over the counter, should help alleviate your discomfort.
  • Massage helps reduce swelling and stimulate blood flow to the painful area.
  • Ankle exercises help relieve pain and stiffness. 
  • You can ease stiffness by taking a warm bath or shower.
  • Take the time to rest as much as possible.
  • Properly fitting shoes are essential 
  • Icing your heel for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day will relieve the pain.

Note – If you are experiencing severe pain, consulting a healthcare professional is an urgent matter.

Medical Treatment –


Depending on the severity of your chronic pain, your physician may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with/or neuropathic medications.

Supportive devices and braces 

Adding rigid supports to your shoes or strapping can help control ankle and heel pain.

Interventional techniques 

If the above treatment does not work as expected. Intralesional injections may help treat significant ankle & heel pain in that case. Once the interventional procedure has been completed, you should perform regular stretching and exercise for better results.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

It is a new technique to treat heels and ankle pain. The procedure is a minimally invasive one that treats heel pain and ankle pain. 

In this type of therapy, The Injured Part is injected with platelet-rich plasma to heal the injured tendon or cartilage and significantly reduce pain.

Pain is significantly reduced, and the healing process is aided by it as well.

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