Synapse Pain & Spine Clinic

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic Pain Treatment in Chennai

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic Pain is a painful condition caused by chronic progressive nerve disease, but it can also result from injury or infection. Symptoms can include burning or shooting pain. Pain triggered by neuropathic conditions doesn’t usually occur as a result of an incident or injury. Pain signals are sent to the brain automatically by the body instead. The reason for this is a damaged or malfunctioning nervous system. A lot of the time it is unbearable and severe, but other times it is intermittent.

What are the symptoms of neuropathic pain?

The cause of neuropathy pain is often a mystery. Neuropathic pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Pain that occurs suddenly without a trigger and is shooting, burning, or electric shock-like in nature
  • Unpleasant or abnormal sensations that persist for a long period of time.
  • A lack of sleep and pain can affect sleep and cause emotional problems.

What May Cause Neuropathic pain?

Having a history of the following may increase your risk of developing neuropathic pain

  • Diabetes
  • Facial nerve disorders
  • AIDS or HIV infection
  • Treatment for amputation using chemotherapy
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Compression of the nerves or spinal cord due to herniated discs or osteoarthritis
  • Shingles
  • Surgical treatment of the spine
  • Syphilis
  • Thyroid disorders

What is the diagnosis of neuropathic pain?

A physical examination and medical history will be performed by your healthcare provider. Your doctor may ask about the frequency and duration of your pain or whether anything in particular triggers it. Suppose your doctor suspects you have nerve damage. He will also target the underlying cause and trace the symptoms of the neuropathy in that case. A blood test and nerve test may also be requested.

Neuropathic pain syndrome: How to treat it

  • Conservative Treatments

    • Preliminary Consideration of OTC Painkillers
    • Enhance the quality of life
  • Secondary and Alternative Treatments

    • The pain may be relieved if comorbid disorders such as diabetes are well managed.
    • Resolve underlying causes (such as shrinking a tumor pressing on a nerve with radiation or surgery).
    • Consultation with a psychologist
    • Therapeutic relaxation 
    • Physical therapy
    • Massage therapy 
    • Acupuncture
  • Medications

    • It may be possible to ease the pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
    • Painkillers of a greater potency may be required by some patients.
    • First-line treatment often involves antidepressant medications. 
    • Anti-seizure medications are often prescribed for neuropathic pain, which includes:
      • Gabapentin 
      • Pregabalin 
      • Topiramate 
      • Carbamazepine
      • Lamotrigine
    • In addition to these, doctors may prescribe antidepressants like:
      • Amitriptyline 
      • Nortriptyline 
      • Venlafaxine
      • Duloxetine

Note – Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of the medicine you take with your Doctor.

  • Injections

    • In addition to nerve blocks administered by pain specialists, other methods of pain relief can include injections of steroids, local anesthetics, and other medicines into the  affected nerves.
  • Simulations

    • In addition to these therapies, external stimulation of the spinal cord, peripheral nerve stimulation, and brain stimulation can be used to treat neuropathy pain. Neuropathic pain symptoms can often be controlled significantly by electrical stimulation of the nerves involved.

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