Cervical Disc Prolapse
Cervical Disc Prolapse
Cervical Disc Prolapse Treatment in Chennai

Cervical Disc Prolapse
Cervical disc prolapse or Cervical disc herniation means that the intervertebral disc is pressing on the nerve roots that usually go to the hands-on on both sides. Lifting heavy weights or falls can cause Cervical disc prolapse. Patients have pain in the neck, shoulder and also radiating along with one or both hands. Other than pain radiating down the hands, patients may also have numbness and difficulty holding things. Most patients will benefit from cervical stretching and strengthening exercises, avoiding long travels, pain medication and muscle relaxants.
Cervical epidural injections are very useful in treating radiating pain in most patients’ neck and shoulder region. Unlike spine surgeries, pain interventions like epidural injections are safer daycare procedures. Patients with motor weakness and severe numbness will require surgical decompression and fusion.